Monday, September 05, 2016

Again, and again and again.....

About once or twice a year I get an itch.  I never quite figure out how to scratch it and each time I feel defeated and bored.  This itch that I get wants me to be doing something....something creative.  I'm a creator, I always have been but I've never really found that thing that I love doing.

I will admit, I'm good at a lot of things but I get bored.  I use to scrapbook, loved it, did it for a while but got bored, knit, did it for a long time (the longest I've done anything, I think), was really good at it but got bored and just recently packed away all my knitting supplies.  I love sewing, and making my children clothes.  But again the same thing, I do it for a bit, but then just find I get bored or tired or something and end up putting it away.

The same things goes for this blog.  I get motivated, want to write, want to get my site up and going again but then start and get bored.  So, here I am.  I don't know how long I'll stick around this place but I do have plans.  I have it schedule in my planner and hope to add things like, monthly favourites, clothing/shopping and makeup posts.  Family things still of course, and anything else that may come about.  We'll see!  I'm not promising anything of course, we'll see how quickly I get bored again. Although I really hope not this time.

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